SARATOGA TRUNK (WB 1945) Warner Archive Collection

Based on Edna Ferber's celebrated novel, director, Sam Woods' Saratoga Trunk (1945) devolves into a real dummy of a head-scratcher, despite its impeccable pedigree and a killer cast, meant to sell it all as high art about a decidedly low-down gal; 'notorious' woman, Clio Dulaine (Ingrid Bergman). Seems Clio's late mother was the fiery sort with a weak spot for men in general, and one married man in particular - Nicholas Dulaine. This led to an affair that scandalized the reputation of the entire family and all but dismantled the Dulaine family honor. Shunned by society, Clio's mother endured her obliteration from the social register after the affair ended, thereafter dying a broken woman - presumably in France. All this is back story, scripted in short shrift by Casey Robinson before the boat from France carrying Clio, her stern housemaid, Angelique Buiton (Flora Robson in blackface) and mischievous, diminutive man servant, Cupidon (Jerry Austin) arrives on the shores of New Orleans. It is Clio's intent, as Nicholas' illegitimate child, to reclaim a place among respectable society. Arriving at the abandoned house her mother once shared with Nicholas, Clio restores the Cajun villa to prominence and thereafter delights at taunting Nicholas' surviving relations, Charlotte (Sophie Huxley), Mrs. Dulaine (Helen Freeman) and grandmother (Adrienne D'Ambricourt) by her very presence.
In the meantime, Clio becomes attracted to a tall Texan Colonel, Clint Maroon (Gary Cooper); a wily gambler who sees Clio quite clearly for the rake in a bustle that she is. At first Angelique detests Clint for his demanding ways. Soon, however, Angelique begins to realize Clint might be exactly what the doctor ordered. Clio is prone to inexplicable fits of confusion - occasionally bordering on some sort of insanity - that only Clint's rough and tumble manhandling seem to cure. Eventually, Clint and Clio's stormy passion drives a wedge in their relationship. Clint departs for Saratoga and Clio, having outstayed her welcome in New Orleans and thus being paid off by Nicholas' family, burns all of her mother's belongings in a bonfire before trailing after him. Arriving in Saratoga, Clio is befriended by Sophie Bellop (Florence Bates), a dowager whose influence on polite society carries quite a lot of weight, despite the fact she is as penniless as Clio. Clint and Clio are reunited even as she makes plans to seduce wealthy railroad financier, Bartholomew Van Steed (John Warburton). Their affair is managed by Sophie. Meanwhile, Clint and a ragtag crew of rail busters are determined to put an end to the pilfering of the 'Saratoga Trunk' a rail line threatening Van Steed's supremacy. Having befriended Cupidon in New Orleans, Clint is not terribly surprised when the diminutive Cupiodon stows away with the rail busters on their next crusade. Unfortunately for all concerned, the train carrying Cupidon, Clint and the rail busters is involved in a head-on collision with another locomotive. Barely surviving, Cupidon and Clint are brought back to the hotel on the night Van Steed proposes marriage to Clio. Realizing she loves only Clint, Clio spurns Van Steed's offer and rushes to Clint's side, eventually restoring him to health.
Saratoga Trunk isn't particularly engaging entertainment, and yet there is something compelling about the enterprise as a whole. Ingrid Bergman is miscast as Clio - her bouts of giddy discontent more comical than tragic. Still, there is genuine chemistry between Bergman and Gary Cooper, the latter, on familiar ground and delivering the one credible performance in the movie. Flora Robson is painfully miscast as the black slave, Angelique - her heavy makeup and ultra thick uni-brow creating some sort of grotesque pantomime that would have been better served by the likes of Louise Beavers, Hattie McDaniel or even Butterfly McQueen. Robson - a gifted actress when the material is right - does her best with a Creole accent that is tenderly convincing. But her obvious Caucasian features gives the performance away as sheer black-faced camp. On the plus side are Joseph St. Amaad's superb production design and Max Steiner's elegant score. Together, these assets resurrect all of the genteel Southern finery to be found in a turn-of-the-century Louisiana. Ernest Haller's cinematography is perfection, as are Leah Rhodes' sumptuous costuming.
Saratoga Trunk arrives on DVD via the Warner Archive (WAC). Without the benefit of restoration, this burn-on-demand DVD transfer fairs inconsistently with age-related artifacts present throughout. The first and last third of the movie remains relatively sharp, with a refined gray scale and a fair amount of fine detail evident. But the middle portion is a curiosity; inexplicably muddy and softly focused, suggesting it was derived from either second or third generation elements or possible even dupe masters. The audio is 1.0 Dolby Digital mono and adequate, though at times, dialogue remains slightly inaudible. There are NO extra features.
FILM RATING (out of 5 - 5 being the best)

